Using Volume to Increase Muscle Growth

Volume can truly be your friend! It’s not like you to hate something that’s hard so get under the bar and hit out some high volume reps. You’ll be feeling fuller, harder, and be activating more muscle fibres because of the increased blood flow to the area. This is really the main principle to achieving physically bigger muscles. When you workout, the fibres within the muscle tear, it’s the recovery process that allows those fibres to mend back together and grow bigger. The larger the muscle tears, the more grow can happen. So by using the increase blood flow to the area will push out the fibres even more causing them to have bigger tears within them.

A great workout that I like to use is depicted below

Shoulder Workout

Rear Delt Raises
3 sets of 25 with a warm up weight
2 sets of 10 with working weight

Side raises
Run the rack up and down
Start with the 5 pound weight, lift for 10 reps, grab the 10 pound weight for another 10 reps, grab the 15’s for 10, ext.. all the way until you can’t get 10 reps anymore. This is done back to back without any rest in between. Once you reach the top, take a 30 second break and do the same with the highest weight first all the way down as a drop set until you end up a 5 pound weights for 10 reps.

Dumbbell Seated Overhead Press superset with side lateral raises
Dumbbell Press 3 sets x 10 reps
Side lateral raises 3 sets x 10-12 reps

Giant front delt raise series
The set up: An incline bench at approximately 60 degrees.

You’ll be completing 3 sets back to back with no rest for 10 reps each.

First set, you’ll be laying on the bench facing upwards so that you are getting a full stretch of the front delts. Complete for 10

The second set you will be seated on the end of the bench with your body 90 degrees from the ground and complete for 10 reps.

The third set you will be standing and bringing the weights up in a piston like movement for an additional 10 reps.

This tri-set will be completed a total of 3 times  

Overall this workout is designed to give you a ton of volume and allow you to get in and out of the gym quickly. You shouldn’t be resting too long and hit the sets pretty quickly. This will allow you to keep constant blood flow and pump on the shoulders for the entire workout, Happy lifting.


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